

I want to introduce one of my drumming buddies: Tim Vance. I am quite proud to say Tim and his wife, Dallas, are dear friends of mine. Beyond and beyond being just plain fun, they are the quintisential "good people" you always hear about. They don't have a lot, but they share what they do have, opening their home to all ("Check your attitude at the door!"), and offering "peace & freedom" to anyone in need.

Thus the tag line for this blog. Throughout the rough times I've been going through lately, Tim has provided me with insights he has collected over the years. I've come to refer to these as "Tim-isms". While most are recounted from various sources (self-help books, etc.), some are unique to Tim. Sometimes, it's just the fact that it came from Tim, or when/where he interjects the statement, that makes it special.

Many of these phrases reside on their refrigerator. Covered in mutil-colored Post-It® Notes, one can find insights and mantras for any occasion or situation. Some examples:
  • You don't become anything, you already are everything.
  • Accept miracles (expect them daily!)
  • Everything is perfect (you just don't know it yet).
  • It will resolve itself.
  • Get over it!
Some I personally try to keep with me at every moment:
  • [Be] Flexible to the point of liquidity.
  • [I am] Ecstatic passionate exuberance personified!
Included in conversation as well-rounded advice, or simply exclaimed for reinforcement sake, these statements lend support and encouragement to anyone willing to listen.

So I offer them now to you, and I will continue to do so as they pop-up; and they will, because I always try to expect miracles daily.

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